FREE BEAT: DonYeniBeatz - I'm War (INDABOSKI) - The Ofofo Nation FREE BEAT: DonYeniBeatz - I'm War (INDABOSKI) - The Ofofo Nation

FREE BEAT: DonYeniBeatz - I'm War (INDABOSKI)

DIM Republik's Chieftain, DonYeniBeatz releases a free instrumental for music artistes to vibe with. Inspired by the popular Nigerian Prophet Odumeje also known as Indaboski, the liquid metal. The UK based Nigerian producer crafted the beat to be suitable for rappers and singers.

Feel free to murder it,  work on it, freestyle to it, record and send to
For more beats or credibilities follow him on IG @donyenibeatz  – WhatsApp +2348163947802.  You could earn yourself a specially crafted beat plus a studio session.

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